Tag Archives: accommodation providers

India’s ‘Cats in the Cradle’: Will Wildlife Tourism be its silver spoon?

Machali with Cubs - Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve

Recent reports have come from India where wildlife tourism could potentially be banned in India’s core critical tiger habitats. Wildlife activists, conservationists, tourism providers and travellers are all concerned about India’s future. This write-up has been waiting to be posted for a long time and nothing worse to come around a time when wildlife tourism in India’s tiger

Wild Navigator at TTG Tweetup & World Travel Market 2011


This month is going to be hectic with lots of travelling. Firstly, we have finally launched the official look of the new Wild Navigator blog. In our first day of opening we have created a positive vibe amongst people and very good reviews, comments have come through. We at Wild Navigator thank people for their

Will tiger tourism help conservation? CNN-IBN chats with Abhishek Behl

I am attaching this chat i underwent many years ago (in 2008) with India’s News Channel CNN-IBN and their environmental team. The Topic of chat was ‘Will Tiger Tourism help Conservation’ and at that time i was heading the Travel Operators for Tigers India Wildlife Association in India as their Executive Director. All views expressed

Wild Shots of the Week: Aditya ‘Dicky’ Singh

Wild Navigator starts this week with identifying some of the world’s renowned wildlife photographers and to add their profiles to our Wild Shots of the Week Gallery. We will be hosting one photographer weekly focusing on wilderness, travel and wildlife conservation. Their background and of course their images. This week we are hosting Wildlife Photographer Aditya ”Dicky” Singh

Essential ‘To-Do’s’ before travelling to any wilderness

As Wild Navigator is new to the world of travel blogging, we have received many requests from our followers to brief essential points / things to remember while visiting a national park / protected area. Wildlife travel in many parts of the world does not slot itself to be budget travel but instead comes under the high luxury

Let wilderness talk while we watch

Many of us have been actively involved in travelling to wildlife regions - be it in Asia, Africa South America or places that just host the last remaining wild species to view. As a traveller, we like to give as much possible to that very destination, and in this situation by contributing (indirectly or directly)

India’s Ecotourism Guidelines (review) on draft version

The Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF), Government of India took out the first draft version of India’s Ecotourism guidelines for in and around Protected Areas: The full report can be viewed on attachment. Report Ecotourism Guidelines Draft version My comments  (non Italic) are as follows: Having gone through the draft version and I am not sure

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